Economic and Social Research Council: Geographic Data Service (ES/Z504464/1) £6,691,210
Economic and Social Research Council: Digital Research Infrastructure Skills Enhancements £554,222
Economic and Social Research Council: World Class Labs equipment supplementation to CDRC (ES/L011840/1). £182,499
Economic and Social Research Council: Consumer Data Research Centre continuation funding (PI: co-Is J Cheshire, J Reynolds, A Singleton: ES/L011840/1). £1,764,007
Economic and Social Research Council: Local Data Space supplementation to CDRC (ES/L011840/1). £118,473
Economic and Social Research Council: World Class Labs equipment supplementation to CDRC (ES/L011840/1). £212,000
Economic and Social Research Council: Consumer Data Research Centre continuation funding (PI: co-Is J Cheshire, J Reynolds, A Singleton: ES/L011840/1). £1,105,920
Economic and Social Research Council: Consumer Data Research Centre continuation funding (PI: co-Is J Cheshire, J Reynolds, A Singleton: ES/L011840/1). £906,223
Economic and Social Research Council: Modelling housing career trajectories in Great Britain (Co-I: PI R. Coulter: ES/S016422/1). £231,354
Medical Research Council – UK Prevention Research Partnership. ActEarly: a City Collaboratory approach to early promotion of good health and wellbeing (Co-I: Co-PIs J Wright, A Hayward, Co-I P A Longley and 33 others). £6,500
Economic and Social Research Council: Inclusive and healthy mobility: Understanding trends in concessionary travel in the West Midlands. £126,324
Economic and Social Research Council: Equipment supplementation for the Consumer Data Research Centre-led SmartStreetSensor industrial collaboration with the Local Data Company. £301,681
Economic and Social Research Council: The analysis of names from the 2011 Census of Population (PI: co-Is J Cheshire, A D Singleton ES/L013800/1). £136,503
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: UK Regions Digital Research Facility (UK RDRF) (co-I: PI A Penn, other co-Is M Batty, P Treleaven, A Wilson: EP/M023583/1). £3,999,936
Economic and Social Research Council: Retail Business Datasafe (PI: co-Is M Batty, T Cheng, J Cheshire, T Fischer, C Lloyd, S. Mikhaylov, J Reynolds, A Singleton, P Williamson). £6,117,615
Nuffield Trust/Economic and Social Research Council/Higher Education Funding Council for England: Quantitative Methods Programme (Co-I: Centre PI/Coordinator J vanHeerde-Hudson, other co-Is L Vinicius, G Hart). £1,340,000
Economic and Social Research Council: A strategic advisory team for data resources 2014-2016. (co-I: PI P Elias, other co-Is D De Roure, J Hobcraft, K Kiernan: ES/L003414/1). £721,931
Economic and Social Research Council: The e-resilience of British retail centres. (co-I: PI A Singleton: ES/L003546/1). £127,991
Economic and Social Research Council: Using secondary data to measure, monitor and visualise spatio-temporal uncertainties in geodemographics (co-I: PI A D Singleton, other co-Is P Batey, C Brunsdon, P Williamson, P Brown: ES/K004719/1). £145,918
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: Crime, policing and citizenship (CPC) – space-time interactions of dynamic networks (co-I: PI T Cheng, other co-Is J Shawe-Taylor, K Bowers: EP/J004197/1). £1,400,235
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: The uncertainty of identity: linking spatiotemporal information between virtual and real worlds (PI: co-Is M Musolesi, R Muttukrishnan. EP/J005266/1) £1,218,191
Wellcome Trust: Genetics of the people of the British Isles and their faces (PI W F Bodmer; co-Is P J Donnelly, T Spector, P A Longley, J Kittler) £2,067,797
Economic and Social Research Council/Technology Strategy Board/The Local Futures Group Ltd.: a Knowledge Transfer Partnership to develop participatory mapping technologies (Lead academic: PI A D Singleton). £154,004
Economic and Social Research Council: Census Geographic Information Visualisation (Censusgiv) (co-I: P Mateos, P A Longley, M Batty: RES -348-225-0015) £66,115
Economic and Social Research Council: The Genesis Project: GENerative E-Social Science (co-I: M Batty, M Birkin, P A Longley, A Heppenstall, A Steed, M C Clarke, J Xu, A G Wilson: RES-149-25-1078) £1,382,477
Economic and Social Research Council: Business solutions for web-based dissemination of the geography of genealogy (RES-172-25-0019) £49,950
Economic and Social Research Council: Business Engagement Award for NCeSS (National Centre for E-Social Science) (with P Halfpenny: RES-185-31-0003) £98,700
Cabinet Office/City of London Corporation: Linking social deprivation and digital exclusion in England £10,000
Higher Education Funding Council for England:
Splint: Spatial Literacy in Teaching. Supplementary capital grant for UCL. £60,000
Economic and Social Research Council (Knowledge Transfer Division): co-funding for conference at the Royal Geographical Society, February £5,000
Higher Education Funding Council for England:
Splint: Spatial Literacy in Teaching (consortium with Leicester and Nottingham Universities) £978,259
Economic and Social Research Council:
GEOVUE: GEOgraphic Virtual Urban Environments (with M Batty and A Steed: RES-149-25-1023) £420,091
Economic and Social Research Council/Southwark Primary Care Trust: a Knowledge Transfer Partnership to develop systems to measure and monitor GP referrals and to target health promotion campaigns £331,584
Economic and Social Research Council/Camden Primary Care Trust: a Knowledge Transfer Partnership to develop and utilise GIS for neighbourhood profiling and assist in targeting public health and health care delivery £331,584
Economic and Social Research Council: Digital differentiation: consumption profiles of fracturing digital divides (with M. Batty, R. Webber, A. Tapp: RES-335-25-0020) £88,222
The Groundwork Trust: inter-departmental GIS requirements analysis £3,000
Economic and Social Research Council: Surnames as a quantitative evidence resource for the social sciences (with R. Webber: RES-000-22-0400) £45,551
Economic and Social Research Council: Senior Fellowship: Geodemographics for managing local services (RES-331-25-0001) £125,168
Department of Trade and Industry/UCAS Ltd.: a Knowledge Transfer Partnership to develop a student placing service to support applications for admission to higher education institutions £100,198
Camden Borough Police: sustainable GIS and data sharing infrastructure £15,000
Camden Borough Police: inter-departmental GIS requirements analysis £3,500
European Commission (Fifth Framework Programme: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development):
SCATTER (Sprawling Cities And TransporT: from Evaluation to Recommendations) (with M. Batty) €156,942
ESRC/EPSRC/NERC Transdisciplinary Seminar Series Competition: Realising the potential of urban spatial data infrastructures (with R. Harris) £17,908
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: Integrated systems for retail company management strategy: a feasibility study of demand-led aspects (with M. Batty) £45,697
Natural Environment Research Council: Monitoring urban land-use and morphology using remote sensing and GIS (with M. Barnsley, A. Luckman) £202,172
Economic and Social Research Council: Visiting Fellowship: ‘Analysis of disaggregate and discrete-time event property values using multi-level models’. ESRC Analysis of Large and Complex Datasets Programme £10,980
Welsh Office, Economic and Statistical Services Division: matching 1992/93 Welsh House Condition Survey sample with the Council Tax Valuation List. £5,875
Economic and Social Research Council: a GIS-based analysis of the geographical implications of the council tax (with D. Martin).£29,600
Welsh Office, Economic and Statistical Services Division: design and analysis of the 1992/93 Welsh House Condition Survey. £23,000
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Department of the Environment and Economic and Social Research Council: a research register for housing (with P. Williams). £57,246
Cardiff City Council: staff training in the analysis of large-scale survey data (with D. Martin). £1,700
Cynon Valley Borough Council: analysis of the Mountain Ash House Condition Survey (with D. Martin). £3,000
Welsh Office, Statistics Division: a project to synthesise income data to enhance the 1986 Welsh House Condition Survey. £16,000
Welsh Development Agency/WINtech: feasibility study of a Centre of Excellence in Geographical Information Systems alongside the Wales and South West Regional Research Laboratory (with N. Wrigley). £5,000
Economic and Social Research Council: Main Phase of the Wales and South West Regional Research Laboratory (RRL: with M. Batty, I. Bracken and N. Wrigley). I acted as executive director throughout the Initiative. £236,200
Economic and Social Research Council: equipment supplementation for the Wales and South West Regional Research Laboratory (with M. Batty, I. Bracken and N. Wrigley). £29,000
Cardiff City Council: design and analysis of the Cardiff House Condition Survey (with R. Smith). £25,000
Cardiff Bay Development Corporation: preparation of a socio economic profile of Cardiff Bay (with M. Batty and J. Alden). £4,650
Welsh Development Agency: Institute of Welsh Affairs ‘Project to Revive the South Wales Valleys’. £8,000
Economic and Social Research Council: trial phase of the ESRC Wales and South West Regional Research Laboratory (RRL) (with M. Batty, I. Bracken and N. Wrigley) £24,500
Economic and Social Research Council: participation in the design and implementation of the 1987/88 General Household and Labour Force Surveys. £1,200
Economic and Social Research Council: Survey Link Award. £1,363
Funding obtained for Ph.D. studentships is detailed under the ‘Students’ tab. Substantial travel grant funding has been awarded by the British Council, the British Academy, the European Science Foundation, the (U.S.) National Science Foundation, NATO and a number of other sources. Visiting appointments have also been funded and are detailed under the ‘About’ tab.